Friday, September 3, 2010

.: hepi 10th besday alia!! :.

25pcs chocs cc + bc topping + ladybird

hepi besday to you...hepi besday to alia..hepi besday to you!!! aaaa..25pcs cuppies nih khas ordered dr seorg nenek utk cucu kesayangan nye..maybe cucu ni balik raya kot. ;)) heheheee.. puan fatimah, opismate ayah lyna, dh 2x kali order ngan lyna. thanks makcik! kali nih order utk makan2 sempena besday cucunya yang kebetulan jatuh mase bulan Ramadhan. sape ckp bulan pose xleh celebrate besday...aaaa...nih contoh terbaik bleh lyna bgtau. untuk si kecik berusia 1o tahun, sah2 la dia sedih if x celebrate besday sbb kebetulan date tuh jatuh bulan pose. so, dgn ade nye cuppies nih, InsyaAllah, terubat la skit hati si kecik bernama Alia.. i like that name~~ sweet~~ so to makcik fatimah n alia, thanks a lot n selamat hari raya!!

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