Monday, June 14, 2010

.: nurul's engagement :.

25pcs vanilla cupcakes + buttercream topping

x-classmate, nik call bgtau kazen dia nk tempah cuppies for her engagement. kire puan nik jd org tgh la coz lyna x kenal ngan empunye cuppies, nurul. nurul bg details psl cuppies skali ngan pic contoh tru email ke nik n then pass it to me also tru nik jugak..hehehehee..mekasih nik! ;)) cayang mu..nik penah gak order cuppies ngan lyna dulu n now kazen dia lak. lyna sdiri deliver kat nurul pagi sabtu coz tgh hari lyna ade kenduri kendara lak nk kena attend..hihihi.. to nurul, mekasih byk2 n tahniah ye! hope puas hati ngan deko n choice of colours cuppies nih...;))

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